Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week 2 in Review (including a 3 Day Camping Vacation)

Week 1, Monday, 10/5/15, Weight: 148.8 lbs.
Week 2, Monday, 10/12/15, Weight: 145.2 lbs.  Down 3.6 lbs--probable water weight lost, see last week’s post.
Week 3, Tuesday, 10/20/15, Weight: 147.0 lbs.  Up 1.8 lbs from last week, and down 1.8 lbs overall in 2 weeks.

Why the weigh-in on Tuesday?  I just got back from a 3-day camping vacation in Door County (which was lovely, thanks for asking), so my weigh-in couldn’t happen until this morning.  Oh boy, I knew it was going to be a little back in the “wrong” direction.  But you know, I am pretty proud of myself.  Even though I didn’t stick to all my newly minted guidelines, I did better than I would have done in the past, as far as eating less, making a few better choices, and at least THINKING about what I was eating in a positive way.  And on vacation, that’s pretty good progress for me.

How I did with my guidelines this past week:
-I kept up my food diary pretty well.  It IS hard to see the “should eat less often” food show up on my pages--I was definitely eating more dessert/sweets than I’d have liked to.
-My husband was pretty supportive (he ate all my leftovers when I was trying to eat less—haha!).
-I did my weigh-in, and I’m sticking with this blog.  Yay!
-I did pretty well with smaller portions, though this is still up for improvement.
-I jogged only 2 times this week, but I did a hike that was fairly strenuous, so I feel good about exercise this week.  I even made a mental note of all the trips I made carrying items to our camper while packing – that was good exercise!
-My biggest issue was just eating more of the sweets and carbs, and fewer veggies, than I am shooting for.  I did eat salad a couple of times (I even brought a salad spinner camping!), and cooked spinach with eggs for breakfast, so I’d say I tried harder than my “normal” camp food.  But of course, there’s always room for improvement.

I had a big-time realization on this trip, and I need to dig into it further.  Basically, so much of our exploring and enjoying vacation centers around food, and sweet treats in particular.  There’s the fudge shop that we had to stop at, and the candy shop I went to as a kid, and the best place for a high-end pastry, and a particular sweet treat we like to eat while enjoying an idyllic beach view.  And we saved our favorite stop for last: an orchard/market stand that has everything from cider (check), cider donuts (check), apples (check), cherry jam (check), dried cherries (check), and THE BEST cherry strudel (check).  Good thing most of those items store/freeze well.  However, I’ll have to think about other activities to do on vacation for next time that don’t include buying as many sweet souvenirs!

So, now that I’m home, I am back on the bandwagon, and not letting my vacation excesses bog me down.  In the past, I have found that it’s easy to feel defeated and give up after a “naughty” weekend or vacation, and then go on eating bigger portions and lots of sweets once I’m back.  Instead, today, I started off the day with good intentions, ate a little smaller breakfast, and went for a jog.  I do have some sweets lying around from the weekend (those that I couldn’t freeze), so I plan to eat those in moderation over the next few days.  I realize it will set me back / take me longer to reach my goals on this journey, but I’m OK with that.  I want a positive attitude toward food, and I told myself there are no off-limit foods.

Forward Flavor!

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