Friday, November 27, 2015

Week 7 in Review, Birthday Cake #2!

Week 1, Monday, 10/5/15, Weight: 148.8 lbs.
Week 2, Monday, 10/12/15, Weight: 145.2 lbs.
Week 3, Tuesday, 10/20/15, Weight: 147.0 lbs.
Week 4, Monday, 10/26/15, Weight: 146.2 lbs.
Week 5, Monday, 11/2/15, Weight: 145.2 lbs.
Week 6, Monday, 11/9/15, Weight: 142.4 lbs.
Week 7, Monday, 11/16/15, Weight: 142.0 lbs.
Week 8, Monday, 11/23/15, Weight: 142.2 lbs.  Up 0.2 lbs from last week, and down 6.6 lbs overall in 7 weeks.

So, it’s official: I lost 5 lbs by my birthday (actually, 6.6 lbs in 7 weeks)!  Yay!!!  Now, here's my new goal: 5 more pounds—from my lastest weight—in 6 weeks (137.2 lbs by Monday, January 4th).  This will be a challenge because I’ve still got Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year’s holiday meals to get though.  But I’m going to try!

My successes with my goals from last week:

1. I jogged three times again this past week—I think it’s starting to feel like habit.  I’ve been trying to think ahead and schedule it in.  Even though I cut down on my speed and distance a bit, I feel better about it because I don’t feel as exhausted after my workout.  I’m glad that I’m making the time, and sticking with my commitment.

2. I ate pretty many green veggies this past week, but I could definitely eat more.  It’s hard to always get the greens if we eat other veggies instead (like butternut squash soup).  I think it’s important to get those veggies in too, but I think green veggies are still King.

3. My food diary is the BOMB.  Honestly, I think it makes a huge difference in keeping me “on track” with my eating and keeping me honest.  I’m definitely sticking with it.  Yay!

4. Oops, I don’t remember feeling very hungry this past week.  It’s so easy to slip into eating more than I need to, so I need to watch my portion sizes again.

5. I skipped dessert three days again this past week, but I again had three very big dessert days: Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.  One dessert was a (huge) hot fudge sundae with extra cherries at Leon’s in Milwaukee—a family tradition.  It was delicious, and worth every bite/calorie.  Honestly, while I was eating it, though, I couldn’t help realize how ridiculously HUGE it was.  I still proceeded to eat it all, mind you, but I think recognizing the excessiveness of it was a good first step for me.  Hopefully next time I’m faced with a huge dessert portion, I can recognize it faster, and just eat 2/3 of it.  Saturday and Sunday’s desserts were my delicious birthday cake (this time, with my parents).  I did manage to eat just one piece on Saturday night, and I skipped the ice cream (two small but meaningful differences from what I would have done in the past).  Every (lack of a) bite matters!

6. I ate out 2 times this week, but it was worth it.  Leon’s was fun and was great people watching.  I also ate out Thai food with a good friend, and I fortunately brought a lot home as leftovers, so I did pretty well with avoiding overeating at least.  That’s progress too!

7. I baked twice: one time was buttermilk biscuits for dinner, and the other was a scrumptious, super-rich birthday chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and ganache, recipe courtesy of @BadgerReader (what can I say, she’s good with cakes!).  Like the cake last week, I cut the recipe in half and made a 2 layer 8” cake instead of a 3 layer 9” cake, which worked perfectly (we had leftovers, but not an excessive amount).  Making the biscuits out of 100% whole wheat flour was a first for me, but I wanted to see if I could still enjoy them in a “more healthy” version (and yes, they were still really tasty, though a bit less fluffy/layered).  And it was really fun to bake both times, so I don’t regret it one bit.

8. I’ve noticed that I’m still eating a LOT of “sugar” in its many forms: sugar in homemade goodies, jam, maple syrup, honey, and lots of white flour.  Oh boy, I have a lot to improve on.  I wonder how I can really reduce this, and if I’ll feel the sugar cravings when I start really cutting back a lot more.  I have to do more research on how to do this (cold turkey doesn’t seem realistic to me).  Right now my approach is baby steps: to reduce a little at a time.

9. Something I haven’t mentioned yet: Beverages.  I am lucky that I was never a big drinker – of anything with calories!  I did occasionally drink fruit juice (preferably 100% juice), soda (yes, full-on HFCS), and very limited alcohol (beer and wine make me flush).  But when trying to lose weight, it makes sense to avoid all of those right now.  (I even strongly believe that diet soda and beverages are NOT okay, since they have been shown to increase insulin and fool your brain into wanting more sugar/carbs later due to the lack of sugar hit from the sugar-free stimulation.)  Luckily, I love drinking (filtered) tap water and hot green tea (though now I skip the sugar).  I do usually drink milk when I eat dessert, but of course I’m trying to limit that as well.  I don't really mind sticking to water and tea, but I am planning on “cheating” occasionally with a cup of cocoa, cider, or sparkling beverages.  It’s the holidays, for heaven’s sake!

10. Oops, no whole-foods, plant-based vegan meals again this week.  We were “vegetarian” for all of our meals on one day (not a big deal, but a good start).  I think I eat chicken, beef, and pork more than I realize, and I’d like to reduce that!

11. I need to think about how much sleep I'm getting (not enough), and figure out how I’m going to get more.  Also, I want to incorporate breathing and relaxation exercises into my day.  I bet both of those would help me lose weight and be happier and mentally healthier.  Something to think about and research more…

Here’s to enjoying the holidays and maintaining traditions without breaking my goals and waistline!  New traditions (more veggies/less dessert) are good too!

Forward Flavor!

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