Sunday, March 1, 2015

Let me introduce myself...

My name is Caryn Kindkeppel (car–inn   kind–kep–pull), and I am a former engineer and passionate home culinarian.  

I grew up (mainly) in Wisconsin, and have a loving husband, a medium-sized fur-baby doggie, and a nice home in the suburbs of Madison.  I have a bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from UW-Madison, and after college, I got a full-time job at a multinational company.  After 8 years as an engineer, I decided to follow my heart and passion in food and I went back to school for Culinary Arts at Madison College, a local technical college.  It was a great experience, though I decided I wasn’t going to follow the typical career path of working in restaurants after graduation.  I currently work part-time in retail, and enjoy interacting with all kinds of home cooks who come into the store.

I've wanted to start a blog for a while, but alas, I am a social media laggard.  I struggled to get started, and I was full of excuses:
   -I wasn't sure what I'd narrow my topic to.  (Encouraging others to cook at home and discover the best flavors in foods.)
   -I wasn't sure what my blog's name would be.  (Forward Flavor.)
   -I wasn't sure which platform to choose.  (Blogger.)
   -Despite being from a technical field, I am not a computer or internet whiz.  (I’ve bought a couple books, and will have to learn as I go.)
   -I don’t yet consider myself a writer, and only aspire to use proper grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation.  (I will never get any better unless I exercise the muscle.)
   -Most of all, I'm terrified of offending someone, especially my family and friends, with what I write.  (This is still a worry, but I must move forward.)

I decided to take the leap and do it.  My goal is to add something interesting and intelligent to the growing discussions around food/cooking/eating, and to inspire good dialogue on my blog.  Moreover, I hope to help someone who wants to begin cooking at home, but doesn’t know where to start.

Here’s to the future!  Forward Flavor!

1 comment:

  1. Caryn, looking forward to reading more of your posts on food, cooking, and eating.
