Monday, March 16, 2015

St. Patty's Day Meal

Alas, I find myself with a corned beef brisket braising in my slow cooker and the usual suspects of roots and over-wintered veggies ready to be cooked up in a few minutes for tonight's dinner: carrots, onions, potatoes, and a cabbage.  (Yes, I realize the holiday's actually tomorrow, but it worked better in my schedule to cook it tonight.)  I do cook all my veggies separate, since I think they get too salty when cooked with the brisket.  I do glazed carrots, mashed potatoes, and steamed cabbage and pearl onions with butter.  Simple, but yum!

I told myself that this year I would get my brisket from my favorite local meat vendor at the Winter Farmer's Market, but this holiday snuck up on me before I could do that.  Instead, I went to the local grocery store and got a "conventional" 2 lb. specimen.  It's the same kind that I've cooked up in many years past, and it will do fine.

I swear, next time I'll get the curing salts and spices and cure/cook up that local brisket, and do my culinary school teachers proud.  I guess I don't technically have to wait another year to do it, and I'll do a post on that if/when I finally get the gumption...

So, grab a (green) beer or beverage of your choice, and join me in eating to our (Americanized) tradition of St. Patrick's Day with a corned beef and cabbage dinner.

Hoorah!  Forward Flavor!

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