Friday, January 20, 2017

2017: It's a New Year!

Time to put myself under the magnifying's time for a "new me".

What is my goal life, how I eat, and what I write on this blog?  Perhaps I originally wanted to "inspire home cooks to achieve the best flavors and a happy weight" by documenting some of my cooking experiments and weight loss attempts.  But it's time to zero-in on my passion.  My passion.

I have struggled for a long time with what my "thing" is.  What should I pursue as a career in the food community?  I'm not likely to work at a restaurant or cafe, do catering, or even work as a personal chef at this point in my life (long story).  So then what product or foodstuff should I put my flag on, and fully stand behind, and call praises on from the highest mountaintops?  What is my passion?

-Meat?  I like meat and happen to think it's healthy (grass-fed, ethically raised, preferably local/organic).  However, it's not my "thing".
-Vegetables?  Hmm, yes, but somewhat boring.  (Unless it's roasted and caramelized.  Then it's sexy, like candy.  But still not my singular passion.)
-Some kind of Paleo-ized less-processed snack food, such as:
     --Almond-pulp crackers?  Not really a dietary necessity.  (And it turns out, I am sensitive to almonds.  More on that later.)
     --Dehydrated banana-coconut bites.  Again, not a dietary necessity (and banana is another food sensitivity for me!).
     --Dehydrated flavored kale chips.  Kale chips are more healthy, but still not a dietary necessity.

Even though I'm still struggling with the WHAT (what particular food), I am rock-solid in my dedication to the HOW (cook at home)--that's the important thing to me.  No matter what you choose to eat, no matter what "diet" or "food lifestyle" you ascribe to, let it be un-processed food.  Let it not come from boxes or bags or a drive-thru window.  Instead, let your meal come from your local farmer, and your own hands and knife/cutting board and oven.  (Or at least from a very high-quality meal delivery service.)  And you get to control your ingredients!

So, what will be the focus of this blog, then, going forward?

Cooking at home.  With whole foods.  From scratch.

I won't change my mind on that.  No matter what food trends and scientific studies come and go, that will always be the best approach to eating, the GOLD STANDARD.  Cooking at home with whole foods from scratch is simply the healthiest, most economical, and (I would argue) tastiest way to eat.

And by the way, Paleo happens to emphasize cooking at home with whole foods from scratch.  I happen to believe Paleo is likely the healthiest, most nutrient-dense way to eat as well.  (Especially if it includes organic/local produce, grass-fed/organic meats and fats, and low-to-no processed foods/sugar/"industrial seed oils".)  So, you'll see more about Paleo popping up soon on my blog because my husband JK and I started another 30-plus day Paleo Challenge on Monday (1/16/17).  I expect to see my health markers (weight, digestion, mood) improve over time on Paleo.  But first I have to stick to it...hopefully for many months straight this time!  More to come soon.  :)

Forward Flavor!

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