Friday, January 20, 2017

Standard American Diet food pics from Summer 2016

Drafted on 8/31/16...but never posted (until now).

8/31/16: On vacation, we stopped for takeout from several non-Paleo restaurants.  Pizza, Swedish food, U.P. Pasties.  Worth it.

When it comes to baking with my beautiful summer garden fruit, I haven't been able to totally give up the "basics" (the "normal"/gluten-filled versions) of pie, shortcake, and cheesecake, etc.

What can I say?  I'm not perfect!

Homemade Cherry Pie with our garden tart cherries and homemade crust (using organic AP flour and butter)

Strawberry shortcake with our garden strawberries and homemade shortcake (using organic AP flour and butter), and whipped dairy cream

Homemade Cheesecake for JK's Birthday, this time served with garden strawberries and raspberries!

Using up last jar of peanut butter (and some oatmeal) by making Monster Cookie Bars (OMG, they are too sugary, but of course, delicious)

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