Friday, January 20, 2017

Paleo food pics from Summer 2016...breakfasts, baked goods, and desserts

Drafted on 8/31/16...but never posted (until now).

8/31/16: Paleo Shortbread Cookies (a little softer rather than crunchy, but so addicting!)

Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies, versions 1&2 (Against All Grain cookbooks)

Paleo cashew butter "bread" (tastes weird, probably won't ever make again)

Paleo Birthday Cake for my mom!  OMG it was delicious!  First, Paleo lemon almond cake from Against All Grain cookbook (my modifications), topped with dairy whipped cream folded with lemon curd (could easily have been coconut cream), and topped with strawberries.  Yum!

Coconut Haystacks (b-day present for my mom)

Paleo Rhubarb Bars (recipe made Paleo by using almond and coconut flours in crust, and arrowroot flour to thicken the rhubarb topping), with Paleo coconut frozen custard

Organic, fresh-picked (by me!) strawberries from a local farm, and our own garden.  Heavenly!

Experiment: Dehydrating the strawberries--nah, like 'em frozen better

Dried sweetened tart cherries from our yard--delicious!  And beautiful trees.

Dehydrated almond-meal crackers (from leftover pulp from making almond milk).  Very tasty.

Coconut milk ice cream, with paleo chocolate sauce and cherries

Paleo granola made with nuts, with coconut milk yogurt and fresh berries from our yard!

Paleo almond cake with cherries from our yard, with coconut milk ice cream (and dairy whipped cream)

Paleo angel food cake (made with egg whites, coconut sugar, and arrowroot flour) with strawberries, blueberries, and dairy ice cream and whipped cream

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